Dear Shihan, Sensei, Senpai
thank you for your interest to
International Karate Organization
The IKO Seikyokushinkai is open for all Karateka worldwide and we appreciate your achievements in other Organizations! If you have a Dan Grade in another similar Kyokushin Karate Organization this will be taken into consideration by the reviewing committee.
All Membership applications must be evaluated and approved by IKOS HQ.
The first step in affiliating your group with the IKOS you must fill the application form.
The Headquarters office will review you your group and its activities. Together the IKOS Board will decide as to whether your affiliation should be approved. Upon approval, notification will be sent from the IKOS HQ to your group. If you a successful you will receive;
• Internationally recognized Rank and Instructor Certification
• Regular regional and international Training Camps
• Instructor Certification Training
• Official IKOS Branch Certificate
• Your name, photo and your Dojo location will be added on the official website of International Karate Organization Seikyokushinkai: www.seikyokushin.com
For more detailed information, please contact the Headquarters of IKOS:
Fill out the application forms and send Us!
Best regards!
Yours in Budo
IKOS Board
*Members pay an annual fee of €100 by 28th February each year.
This amount must be transferred to the IKOS bank account or PayPal account by the above date.