The “III Memoria? Cichociemnych Spadachroniarzy Armii Krajowej” Kyokushin Karate tournament 15.05.2021 in Wojnicz, Poland. 311 players from 34 clubs from all over Poland competed. The Seikyokushin team of the Siedlce Academy of Martial Arts four players won?? Results: 3rd place Julia Myrcha?? 3rd place Pantalei Prosvietov?? 3rd place Patryk Sakowicz?? Thank you all very much …

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Karate & Yoga of legendary Hajime Kazumi

A person who needs no introduction. We bring to your attention one of the lessons of the legendary Hajime Kazumi. An ingenious combination of Karate and Yoga. Balance, Inner Energy and Physical Strength are wonderful! Multiple Champion of various competitions shares his experience. Osu!

Winter Camp in Poland

W dniach 31.01 – 06.02.2021 Zoorganizowane zosta?o zgrupowanie zimowe w Bia?ym Dunajcu. Treningi prowadzone by?y z zakresu Karate SeiKyokushin Kata, Kumite, Kichon treningi kondycyjne wszystkie. Treningi by?y na wysokim poziomie. Organizatorem by? Sensei Jacek Szyma?ski 4dan Akademia Sztuk Walki, oficjalny przedstawiciel Seikyokushinkai w Polsce. Osu!