Seikyokushinkai and Shin Karate grading in Germany

The German Branch of Shin Karate and Seikyokushin organized first Grading after the Covid break. Because of Covid restrictions currently taking place in Germany we had only limited ammount of participants.
In Shin Karate we Graduated under Supervision of Shihan Andrew Rekunov and under the leading of Shihan Jakub Cerny DiS.
Shin Karate participants took tests in Kata, Kihon and Fullcontact Kumite in Boxing Gloves.
Congratulations to:
Luis Garcia – 9. Kyu
Mara W?nschig – 9. Kyu
Stefan K?stlmeier – 6. Kyu
Nadja Hackl – 5. kyu
Kristine Puhl – 3. Kyu

In Seikyokushin Branch participated and Graduated:

Alexandra Aldea – 10. Kyu
Elias Pech – 10. Kyu
Bedrich Karl – 10.Kyu
Luan Ajdari – 9.Kyu
Nadja Hackl – 9.Kyu
Dorka Farago – 6. Kyu

We are happy that we could make Grading in those Hard Times and we say OSU! until the next time we meet.