News & Events

Azerbaijan Open Seikyokushin Championship of Khatai Sports Club

November 6, 2022 by Azerbaijan representative office of Seikyokushin Karate was held “Open Championship of Khatai Sports Club”, with the support of Baku Department of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Competition was held in the Kumite category, among children and youths in 2 categories: Category A – experienced participants, category B – beginners. Location …

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May 17, 2022 Kyu Test in Azerbaijan

April 17, 2022 Seikyokushin Karate students under the supervision of the Branch Chief of Azerbaijan Representative Office of IKOS, WFKU and WSKO Shihan Gabil Sayadov, passed another exam for kyu-test. The examinees demonstrated level of physical fitness, knowledge of terminology and performance skills passed and previous kyu techniques, as well as passed examination fights. Chairman …

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Report from Azerbaijan

26 февраля 2022г. 18 спортсменов из команды Представительства Сейкиокушин в Азербайджане приняли участие в «Южном Турнире» г.Астары по категории кумите среди детей и юношей, проводимом Азербайджанской Федерацией Контактного Карате. Команда принесла клубу 10 золотых, 7 серебряных и 1 бронзовую медаль: Джахид Шахбазлы – 1 место Раиль Шахбазлы – 1 место Элин Мамедзаде – 1 место …

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Seikyokushinkai Open Tournament of Baku city, Azerbaijan

November 14, 2021 in Baku, was held Open Full Contact Karate Tournament of Baku city. The organizer is Azerbaijan Seikyokushin Karate and Azerbaijan Full Contact Karate WFKU. On November 14, 2021, the Azerbaijan Seikyokushin Karate Representation held the Baku 2021 Open Cup, dedicated to the first anniversary of the end of the Second Karabakh War. …

Seikyokushinkai Open Tournament of Baku city, Azerbaijan Read More »

Seikyokushinkai and Shin Karate grading in Germany

The German Branch of Shin Karate and Seikyokushin organized first Grading after the Covid break. Because of Covid restrictions currently taking place in Germany we had only limited ammount of participants. In Shin Karate we Graduated under Supervision of Shihan Andrew Rekunov and under the leading of Shihan Jakub Cerny DiS. Shin Karate participants took …

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Kyu test in China Seikyokushinkai

Osu! September 25, 2021, China Seikyokushinkai Branch, under leadership Sensei Song Min Jie held the first Kyu-test grading. Because a child took the follow-up exam, photos of all participants were uploaded today. This time only two high-level adult and three child students’ participated on the exams. Keep practicing and keep working hard. Osu!